Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hospital visit in San Felipe

 This is a few of the ladies from my ward arriving at the hospital in San Felipe to deliver our gifts.
 The doctors came to thank us.   Not just some staff.  They were so  appreciative. They  took us around to visit the mums and kids in the hospital.  Many in the halls!!!
 Gosh, took  pampers,  milk, cleaning supplies,  all  sorts of things.   It was a Stake Activity so about
100 women  went.
 Ruth, This is the stack of baby blankets I made with all your wonderful material you sent.  Know that many babies  went home with a blanket that might not of had one!!!
 This is how we got to the hospital from the church.   About  12 of us in the back of this truck!

This is my grass!! in my yard.   I love the little yellow flowers.  Armando mows them and they always grow back.


  1. Good job on the Service, Sharan! It's good that you are keeping busy!

  2. You look like you're having fun, learning and doing good in Guatemala.

    A mi, se parece que tú estás teniendo mucho divertido, aprendiendo, y haciendo bien en Guatemala!

    Yo no sé si estas palabras son correctas, o no. Digame algo en español.

  3. Sharan I just found out how to contact you. What great pics. Gaile Kish
